YP Investors Forums Fundamental Analysis The Importance of Fundamental Analysis

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    • #100007948
      YP Investors

      Fundamental analysis is the most commonly used type of analysis that investors use today. And rightfully so as it is used by one of the most successful investors of all time-Warren Buffett.

      Fundamental analysis focuses on the value of a stock which includes the company’s financial reports, earnings, and what the investors themselves think the company can do/go in the future (based off of the current and predicted financial reports).

      As an investor you are only improving your odds of finding a winning stock when you employ Fundamental analysis. This is why we created the most powerful Fundamental Analysis Tool: the Warren Buffett Fundamentals Tool. Using fundamentals to narrow your search initially is what YP Investors does and suggests you do. Then from there you have a basket of stocks from which you can apply technical analysis and really narrow the list of stocks down to a few that have a high probability of being winners.

      Applying Fundamental analysis will help you find stocks that have a good financial base and avoid those that can be big losers. This is one way you can keep ahead of the other investors and beat the market.

      • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by YP Investors.
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