Invest Like Warren with YP Investors Buffett Fundamentals Tool:

Includes the Buffett Fundamentals Tool and some of our Top Technical Tools
- Warren Buffett Fundamentals Tool, Unlock the secrets to the Unmatched Warren Buffett Investments
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- ETF Bond Rankings, to help you preserve wealth
Unlock the Key to the Legendary Warren Buffett Investments
Warren Buffett Fundamentals Tool
We made this tool directly from the book “Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements” written by his former daughter-in-law Mary Buffett.
In our tool we highlight what Warren himself looks for in the Income Statement, Balance Sheet Statement, and Cash Flow Statement and provide a Buffett Company Score.
This Buffett score is rated from 0-100 looking at the last 10 years of financial statements, with 100 being the perfect company Warren likes, companies that have made him a billionaire.
Learn what makes this the most powerful fundamental and financial tool in the world 👇
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Includes the Buffett Fundamentals Tool and some of our Top Technical Tools
The complete package for all your investing and trading needs including All our Tools, Stock Picks, and Email Alerts
Why our Buffett Fundamentals Tool is the Most Powerful Financial Tool Available?
Find Companies that will make you Wealthy over time the Same Way Warren Buffett did!
What does the Buffett Tool Provide?
YP Investors developed the Warren Buffett Fundamentals Tool to help you find companies with a durable competitive advantage. This is the key to Warren Buffett's success. If a company has a durable competitive advantage it will have immense earning power. As earnings continue to grow, the stock price will naturally follow and increase. This is exactly how Warren Buffett has become a Billionaire.
Warren has specific ratios and indicators he looks for in the Financial Statements that tell him if the company has a durable competitive advantage. We added these ratios to our tool and highlighted the key Financials that Warren looks at. Most importantly we take the last 10 years of Key Financial data and plot this in our Buffett Table. If the key data points meet the Warren Buffett requirements we add a mark to the table for each year. This in turn generates the Buffett Company Score that we display. The score is from 0-100, 100 being a perfect score where all of the last 10 years of key financial data has met Warren Buffett's requirements.
What is the Buffett Equity Bond?
In addition to the Buffett Company score our Tool also displays the Buffett Equity Bond Yield and the Buffett Price Target. Warren has witnessed the strength and predictability of the earnings growth of companies with a durable competitive advantage. This consistently strong growth turns these companies shares into somewhat of an Equity Bond, but this bond has an ever-increasing yield (interest payment)! The Bond is the company’s Shares/Equity. The interest payment is the company’s pre-tax earnings. The key to these are that the interest payment which is pre-tax earnings is ever increasing, unlike normal bonds which typically have fixed payments.
Furthermore, if we use the current Long-Term Corporate Bond Yield we can see how the current stock price compares and if it is a good time to buy in using the Equity Bond Yield. We can also get a good estimate or Price Target of where a company’s stock price should be using the Corporate Bond Yield. When we use the current Current Stock Price divided by the Corporate Bond Yield we get a price target of where the stock price could hit. The stock market will continue to undervalue or overvalue company’s stock prices but they should converge close to this Buffet Bond Capitalized Price Target.
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With YP Investors Standard Membership you gain access to our key Stock Analysis Tools including our Point and Figure Chart, Relative Strength, and our one of a kind Warren Buffet Fundamentals Tool (find the key to the historic Warren Buffett investments). For as little as $16.67 a month utilize our Stock Analysis Software to help you improve your investments!
Additionally, you will get our most popular free tools, calculators, and pages (forums and investing publications), without the hassle of popups and ads. You will also gain access to our premium help and support on your Member Home page.
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