YP Investors Paid Membership Stock Tools
The Stock Selector the most powerful of all our stock tools. It shows key technical stock data like the trend, relative strength vs market and relative strength vs peer. It also contains key fundamental data like earnings, value, and dividend records.
This tool is based off of the book “Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements”. In our tool we highlight the most important categories of the Income Statement, Balance Sheet Statement, and Cash Flow Statement. We generate a specific Buffett Score for each company based off these financial statements from the past 10 years.
Point and Figure Charting is YP Investors foundation. This is the favorite of all our stock tools because of their simplicity and accuracy. They clearly show long term trends of stocks and great entry and exit points with their buy and sell signals.
One of our premium stock tools is our Penny Stocks. We provide a list of penny stocks (less than $5) that have both good fundamental and technical attributes. This list is updated each month.
Our Relative Strength tool allows you to compare stocks head to head or vs the market to see which is performing better in the short term and long term. This is a great help in making investment decisions when you are between stocks.
Top securities and Sectors is another one of our Premium stock tools. With this tool we provide a list of stocks with good fundamental and technical attributes. We also provide top performing US Bond ETFs and Sector Relative Strength Rankings.
Free Tools and Calculators
Our Options calculator is the only one of our stock tools which is free. This tool is so useful we had to make it free to allow everyone to enjoy. Simply fill out the required inputs and all 4 options contracts will auto-populate. You will be able to clearly see which contract you should utilize based on your predictions.
This tool is based off of the book “Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements”. In our tool we highlight the most important categories of the Income Statement, Balance Sheet Statement, and Cash Flow Statement. In this Free Version we provide financial statements from the past 5 years.
Point and Figure Charting is YP Investors foundation. This is the favorite of all our stock tools because of their simplicity and accuracy. They clearly show long term trends of stocks and great entry and exit points with their buy and sell signals. YP Investors offers this Free Point and Figure Stock Chart so everyone can utilize the power of point and figure charting.
Our Retirement Calculator and Planner is pour most important calculator/tool. This is where you can see how simply saving $100 a month can make you a millionaire. You can also see how many years a million dollars would last you based on your monthly spending. If you try only one tool, please try this one and take control of your finances.
The Bitcoin Price History tool is our first crypto tool. We provide the latest Bitcoin price along with numerous Price History Charts. Our charts are unique in that they include both volume and price on one easy to read chart. We even allow you to create custom charts.